At the age of 15, Muskan Khatun was brutally attacked by a group of boys from her school who threw a jug of acid on her face, hands, and chest after she rejected a romantic proposition.
The ensuing years were filled with pain and healing at Kirtipur Hospital under the care of local ReSurge surgeons. With the support of her doctors and family, Muskan decided that she would not be ashamed, she would not let her attacker win, and she would not stand idle when such violence happened to others.
Muskan has been instrumental in bringing about new legislation criminalizing acid attacks and imposing strong penalties against perpetrators in Nepal. With the help of a social worker, Muskan lobbied for stronger legal action against the perpetrators of acid attacks under duress of threats and the strong social stigma associated with acid attack victims. She went before a parliamentary committee, wrote a letter to Nepal’s Prime Minister, and eventually met with him in person, to request a stronger law. Within a year of her attack, Nepal’s President issued an ordinance with harsh penalties for acid attacks and regulations on the sale of acids, a testament to Muskan’s significant advocacy.
In recognition of her efforts, Muskan received the International Woman of Courage Award in 2021. She is now pursuing a career as a human rights lawyer to further her advocacy. ReSurge International facilitated a meeting between Muskan and fellow award recipient, Natalia Ponce de Leon from Colombia, fostering a mentorship that strengthens their global campaign against gender-based violence. This partnership was highlighted by the U.S. Embassy in Nepal and received extensive media coverage, including a front-page feature in The Rising Nepal.
At ReSurge, we are dedicated to addressing the gendered implications of burn care and advocating for victims of intentional burn injuries like acid attacks. By supporting Muskan and Natalia, you contribute to a movement that not only heals but empowers.
ReSurge reconstructed Muskan’s body – Muskan took back her life – and your donations make it possible.
Help ReSurge restore gender equity and close the gap to reconstructive surgery once and for all.