Transformations Gala Streaming Event

A-Life Changing Journey

Can’t make our in-person gala? 

Join the digital experience of our annual gala — a night of hope celebrating our mission to train, fund, and scale reconstructive surgical teams in low-income countries. 

You will get to watch our inspiring speakers and will get a first-hand look into the lives of our patients through a series of short films. Gain access to exclusive content by joining our event streaming on all social media channels. 

Proceeds and donations will go to our Transformations 100 fundraiser  — help us give free surgeries to 100+ patients!


Live Broadcast at 4:00 pm PST / 7:00pm EST on March 29th
on Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram.


The 2023 Transformations Gala celebrates the life-changing transformations that occur when people around the world can access their right to surgical care. 

Join us on a journey that explores the ripple effect of hope that ReSurge’s vision is bringing to life. We’ll be streaming the event and moderating a live chat throughout the night. As an added bonus, the first five (5) attendees to log on to the event will receive a FREE Skinceuticals bag (~$300).  

*The live event is in San Francisco, CA. If you’re looking to purchase an in-person ticket, click here. *
**We’ll be finalizing the winners of the gift bags at the end of the stream, so make sure to stay till then! *

4:00 PM PST /  7:00 PM EST

Live Stream of the Transformations Gala

First five (5) attendees to join the stream will receive a FREE Skinceuticals gift bag!

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Live chat and donation drive

Learn about our Transformations 100 Donation Drive — get your gift in early!

Want to Attend In-Person?

