The ReSurge International Program in Africa (RIPA)

Sub-Saharan Africa has the most acute shortage of reconstructive surgical care globally, with approximately one reconstructive surgeon for every 10 million people.

The ReSurge International Program in Africa (RIPA) confronts this deficit by increasing the pipeline of medical professionals to provide reconstructive surgery in the region while also providing financial support for qualified reconstructive surgeons in the region who provide care for the poor.

Meet our patients and partners

Watch our short film about the ReSurge International Program in Africa »

ReSurge is proud to partner with the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA).

ReSurge has partnered with the largest surgical training college in the region, The College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA), on a standardized learning, testing, and certification processes across 14 countries

ReSurge also establishes long-term partnerships between hospitals in the United States and partner institutions across Africa.

  • Stanford University with Parirenyatwa Hospital in Zimbabwe
  • Northwestern University with AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, and
  • Johns Hopkins University with Kiruddu Hospital in Uganda.

These partnerships and training programs allow us to champion equity by connecting the world’s best and brightest directly to the best and brightest local surgical teams in low-income countries.

Sub-Saharan Africa has the most acute shortage of reconstructive surgical care.
93% of the population lack access to surgical care.
There is only 1 reconstructive surgeon for every 10 Million people.

Read the Latest Africa Report

The RIPA program provides training, curriculum development, scholarships, regional study exchanges, exam and membership fees, and eLearning centers for places of study.

Impact In Action

Meet some of our patients, scholars and partners across the ReSurge Intentional Program in Africa.

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